Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Talking Me Down to Earth

So, I don't know if this is the case for you, but occasionally, I will get these pretty wild ideas that I am just certain must happen. Now that I tell you this, I am blanking on a good example...um....hmmm, okay well, here is kind of one, but it is not the best example, but hopefully it will give you an idea. Like, a few years ago, I made Parker promise me that we could go live in Africa. I am sure I started leaving african words on his facebook. Packing his lunch with photos of cute African children. Tailoring a wardrobe for the African climate. Surrounding myself with African books. Because when I have these passing thoughts, they sort of leach on to me. Some people struggle with door-to-door salesmen, not me. I struggle with passing thoughts other people would dismiss but instead begin to pattern my life after them...awesome right?

Well, what I am getting at it this. I had one such idea today. For hours I thought of this thing, in fact because of a recent dream I had (which we all know how reliable and realistic my dreams are, if you don't know what I mean see here) also, let me clarify that this dream is a different dream than the cat dream but similarly strange. Anyway, based on an event today and then this dream, when Parker arrived home at 9:15 this PM, I nearly pounced on him to unload this sure idea. I didn't have time to make a collage this time, but I am sure I was already planning it in my head. Anyway, the moral of this story is that I am really grateful for my husband.

But first, a disclaimer. I do not know why some people get married seemingly effortlessly and others have to seek almost endlessly to find a match. I swear to you this is not one of those posts that will make you feel lousy that for some reason you are fortunate enough to have a spouse. So please keep reading.

Like I was saying, I don't know why some people get married and others don't, but I do know why Heavenly Father threw Parker in my path and hit me up side the head to marry him...because I think I have impaired judgment without him.

Parker always listens thoughtfully to my wild and crazy ideas. Occasionally, there is a chuckle, but generally he pulls off a straight face, and he doesn't even tell me NO...ever, he just gently talks me down to earth.

Sometimes I still wish I was living in that hut in Africa and that I had 23 rings around my neck making it super long and unstable and supposedly attractive, sometimes I still find myself wanting to run and hide in bushes to exemplify my native capabilities...but for the most part, I am glad that I married someone who helps me see the good in where I live right now and what I am doing in my life right now and most of all...someone who has kept me grounded in a place where I don't have to wipe my butt with a leaf.

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