Monday, September 26, 2011

Kittens and other such things

I know you have all been anxiously checking your blog queue all day, and you probably gave up hope, but do not dear friends! Do not!

Today was the first day of my eating challenge, and it went very well! I even made cookies tonight and did not have one taste, one lick, one morsel....oh no, not one.

I am a determined woman! Anyway, I ate my salad and liked it too. I will try to post some pictures of the yummy food I am eating soon, but for now, just know in your heart that this is a good change for me.

SOOOOOO, the real reason you are reading this blog is to know what the crap I am talking about with the whole kitten business.

Well, I had a dream last night which I think might put a smile on some of your faces. I often have very strange dreams, but they generally aren't amusing, so this was a nice change. Even better, I remembered almost the whole thing when I woke up this morning.

So, to start out, when I come to in my dream, it appears that I am in labor. This is nothing new, I have had so many babies in past dreams, I think I likely have enough children to fill Rhode Island, but this time things were a little different.

The baby came out, no big deal. I told the doctor to hurry it up because I had to get to class and I only had a 10 minute passing period. He did so, and I got to class. At some point, it occurred to me that it had now been two nights since I had that baby, and I had no recollection of feeding it. So, I took the U of U Campus Shuttle the maybe this was happening at the U's Hospital??? Who really knows, and when I arrived, I remember looking at all the babies in that big room with lots of babies like you see in the movies and trying desperately to find mine. I was somewhat frantic because my brand new baby hadn't eaten in a day and a half. A nurse came toward me and explained that everything was fine, and they had given the baby some formula. Feeling worthless as a parent and realizing that we would never be able to reclaim that post-birth bond time because OF COURSE, I just had to GET TO CLASS and didn't have time to stay and recover like normal moms that have just had their babies, I decided to go and get my baby girl and take her with me this time. I did so and started my walk to school.

I then looked down and realized that my child was in fact A KITTEN. And somehow, in the dream, this seemed perfectly fine to me. I remember thinking that my professors would NEVER understand this or give me extra time on things because they would discriminate against my child for being a kitten. I remember thinking they would never take her seriously, and sure enough, they didn't. Feeling dejected and sad that no one loved my new baby...kitten, I walked home, and as if in Harry Potter, I was home in 2 seconds. As I walked across the West Bowl Field, nearing my house, carrying my new cat-child and feeling especially low, I came to almost our front door, and there was Parker.

He was standing there looking at someone running across the playground toward us. Then I realized it was Julia Jensen, our Resident Assistant, before I could even think about why she was coming toward us, Parker turned and yelled to her, "Julia, we know we aren't allowed to have a kitten in our apartment. We are working on it."

At this point, I screamed out in the agony of my soul, "WHY CAN'T ANYONE UNDERSTAND THAT THIS IS MY CHILD..." And that is when I woke up!


  1. I am excited about your yummy healthy food project. And happy for your diagnosis so you can get feeling yourself again soon! I've often mused that my newborns kind of look like kittens...

  2. I think that is the funniest dream I have heard in a while! Definitely brought a smile to my face, and even a little chuckle (out loud)! And good job on the healthy food stuff I will look forward to pictures and recipes!

  3. Funny dream. Dreams are so messed up, I think, but in a very intriguing way. I do have a lot of weird dreams and kept dream journals once. Anyways, good luck with the diet! Make sure you are full before you come to the activity tomorrow so that you won't get tempted as much.
