Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Here comes Bekah Cotton-tail

K, the very last line of that altogether witty previous post triggered a subsequent blog. Here's the deal. I don't know what the problem is with this particular package of toilet paper that I purchased, but I practically need to keep a permanent lint roller next to the toilet. Truly, I am thinking about collecting the TP dandruff and beginning to spin thread. It could be a side job. It is a little ridiculous though. The other morning, I got up and started into my daily morning routine, when I finally stopped to look at myself in the mirror, I was practically pulling a Santa Clause with the beard that had formed from stray cotton drifts. It's tragic. People are going to think I am growing peach-fuzz, and then probably that I am a woman/man and then probably that I am a human/rabbit, and then probably just a straight up rabbit, and its not even the right season for rabbits to be cool. Typical.


  1. You make me smile, and I like it!

  2. Oh man. This made me laugh out loud in the most boisterous way that I haven't experienced in a long time. THANK YOU! Like for real, that was funny. :) I read it out loud to Cass and laughed some more. Tears in my eyes. You're so *random*.
