Tuesday, October 18, 2011

A Law School Post

It is really late, and I need to go to bed really bad, but I know that I have kept many people in want over a law school post, and since it appears that I am in a posting mood, I will just hit this up right now.

Law school is good. I don't love it. I mean I don't know how else to say that. I don't hate it, and I am not sad that I am going, but I am not thrilled when I wake up every morning that I will be attending another day of lectures. Certainly, some days prove more exciting than others, but on the whole, the first year is just kind of rough.

Do I think law school is a beast? Yes and no. Law school can be as beasty as you want to make it. Some chose the full beast. I am not the full beast type. I prefer the minimum amount of beast needed to continue. Does that mean I think law school is a beast? Yes, but I do not think it is impossible. In fact, I think it is very possible so long as you are doing the work. Which, don't you fret, I am! I still have a lot to learn, and a lot to review, but I think by the time finals come that I will feel prepared.

I don't know how to stress enough though that I am in no way aiming for the top of the class. In fact, I would feel guilty to be at the top of the class, because the top gets opportunities I would never want, and I would feel bad taking those from people who do. So I am rather content in my little group of middleroaders. We have a lot of fun and usually learn enough to make heads and tails of school.

I do not like feeling dumb. In fact, I hate it, but here's the thing, feeling dumb just means you have hit upon something you need to understand better, and if there is one thing that I love...it's learning. If there is one thing I love even more...it is learning with a purpose in mind. Holla welcome to the cycle that gets me through law school. There will always be some amount of dumb feeling that goes along with school, but so long as I look at it in terms of the continuum of my learning and progression in school, feeling dumb is the best really, because it is the REAL start of invested learning for me at Law school. Perhaps not my favorite method to learn, but it will do.

Here's the thing. YOU could go to law school. Don't be psyched out by what people say. If you are thinking about it and have a reason to go...something that will sustain you through the hard days, I say do it. Never think you can't! YOU CAN, but I hope the thing you want to do is something more fun, like opening a second Disneyland, because that would be infinitely cooler and more fun. Food for thought.

1 comment:

  1. Dear Bekah: I have never wanted to go to Law School. Ever. But if the thought ever crosses my mind, I'll come back to this post to get a little pep-talk. Thanks.
