Sunday, October 2, 2011


Here's the thing...I kind of hate wearing clothes. Pants in particular. I always have. I dislike how restricted I feel in pants. I hate how my temperature rises and falls at will. I hate feeling my legs sweat under the heat of jeans. I hate how long the bottoms take to dry after getting wet. I am just not a fan of pants wearing. As a result, I have sort of a bad habit of getting my pants off as soon as possible when coming home from school, work, life, outside, etc. Naturally, I still always wear my unders, but this habit does add an extra step in the answering of the door when someone arrives unannounced.

Here's the other thing... I love when people arrive unannounced, so it is no big deal that I have to throw on pants again to greet people. DO NOT WORRY, I am always happy to have people stop by. DO NOT LIVE IN FEAR. I am actually socially adept most of the time, and you will never catch a glimpse of my tighty whities.

But it's that last promise that I want to address most specifically in this post. When we moved into our new apartment, my sister in law helped me sew the curtains for our enormous wall of windows. Unfortunately, at the fabric store, the lady cut the fabric on a weird line, so for the curtains to hang right, we had to do some significant trimming. This all sums up to the fact that my windows are not entirely covered. The last inch or so on either side can likely be seen through. This does not worry me so much in the day time, but at night, when it's dark outside, and light inside, it is hard to know what kind of traffic you are receiving around your establishment. I have also heard that much like bugs are drawn to are humans, and it is nigh unto impossible to look away from that entrancing apartment light while passing in the night.

For some time, I have lived on the edge. At times venturing out from behind the closed hall door of the bedroom wing of our little apartment, into the living/kitchen space beyond. Generally, my ventures are focused and rapid as I lack the drive to throw pants on when I just need to grab a drink of water or a snack or a pencil etc. I have lived on the margin of chance since moving here in June...but tonight, I commit to you, no longer will I take that risk.

Nothing drastic happened, no terrible scene unfolded, no shocked person witnessed my pants-less my knowledge that is. And having to wonder about it is enough to quit these underdressed ventures. I commit to reform. I commit to be better. I commit to wear pants.


  1. No way! I say you should sew a thick red panel of fabric on both sides of your curtains so that the windows are completely covered and you can roam around pantless. It is a precious freedom we should be able to enjoy within the confines of our own homes!

  2. I totally know what you mean...Jeans are the worst. Except Pajama Jeans because they're pajamas that only look like jeans! Hahaha
