Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Three Strikes, you're...

So, today was going along pretty well until I got the following email in my inbox:

October 25, 2011

Dear Patron of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir,

We received requests for over a million tickets for the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square Christmas concerts. We are sorry to inform you that your registration was not selected to receive tickets.

Add that to this one from last year:

Dear Patron of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir,

Thank you for your interest in attending the 2010 Christmas concerts of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and Orchestra at Temple Square on December 16-19, 2010. We received requests for over 1.5 million tickets and we are sorry to inform you that your registration for the Christmas concerts was not selected to receive tickets.

And this one from the year before that...

Well, I couldn't find it because I was using a different email back then, but Natalie King Cole sang with the choir that Christmas, and I got rejected for that one too.

(know in your heart Jane Seymour is going to be there this year and that David Archuleta was at it last year)

Here's to three years of rejections! I am beginning to think this lottery system is bunk. How do people end up going year after year? Who do you have to know to attend this event???? It hurts to be rejected this way Jane, David, and Natalie! Hurts, I tell you. Your albums/movies/books/jewelry/Gerber baby food will not be finding its way into our home. Nay! Not until I can find a way to mend this torn heart gapping open in the cold of the Utah winter season.

Dare I say that I will try for next year???? Probably not...but let's be honest, I actually probably will, this is church approved gambling I suppose and call me an addict, but I probably won't be able to stay away from my one chance to hit it big (i.e. attend a free church sponsored event).

I just so wanted the Christmas season to top off with actually being able to attend this event, but again, I will watch it from the comfort of my living room (as can all of you! Sunday morning December 18, 2011, 9:30am, BYU Channel), but then...I suppose there is always the stand by line, perhaps that is just the ticket for us this year!

If you are interested in finding out more about this concert click here, hence my great displeasure at not getting to attend in person. Better luck next time I suppose.


  1. Soo.... does it make you feel bad that I went the last 2 years? :) I'll admit, the David concert was pretty darn awesome, bless his little heart. My sisters and I all put our names in for tickets... and if I'm registering, I put in for myself, my grandma at her address, my brother at his address, and my mom at her address... with each of them signing up for 4 tickets each. So that expands my chances. Last year one of my sisters got some too so it worked out nicely. But you're right! It's all about the big gamble. I totally forgot about it this year, if that makes you feel any better. :)

  2. Sometimes it does pay to know someone.. who might sing tenor in the choir, generally though the lottery is your best bet, pun intended.
    If... I happen to be offered extra tickets from said tenor I would gladly let you use them so that you might top off your Christmas season with this joyous celebration! I will let you know ok! Love you!
