Tuesday, October 26, 2010


So, we had a regional conference this last weekend. That essentially means as it sounds. Our church is divided up into regions of members, and we gather every once in a while for these regional conferences. Generally, several speakers from the church leadership talk to us. The talks are generally given based on the impressions that that individual has had while preparing for this particular event. I am always grateful for these types of meetings, they cause me to think very deeply, and I appreciate that.

This year we had one session on Friday night and one on Sunday. The one on Friday night was tailored just for our stake. Our stake encompasses only those living within the University Student housing. So essentially the graduations of church bodies starts at a branch then a ward then a stake then a region... then an Area I think...and after that I am sure that there are other graduations, but I don' t know them. Anyway, that was a long introduction to get to the real point of the post.

So at the session on Friday night, we were encouraged to pray with more real concentration and thought. I don't care who you are religious or not...you should try this :-) I have been so surprised how my days have changed. Granted I have only been doing it since yesterday, so probably this wouldn't stand up in published research, but I have noticed how much happier I have been and really for no reason. Nothing else has changed. So, I am attributing it to this single act. Perhaps that is faulty logic, but I don't think so.

I love to smile. It lifts my whole mood when I do. I went through a period of my life several years ago when I didn't smile for months. I was so sad and numb that I don't think I even cracked a smile for a good long time, but I have realized since then what power a smile can have on me and those around me. Somehow, just the act of humbling yourself enough to talk to a supreme being calms the heart and brings a sensation of happiness. I wonder if it is because in the moment of hearing ourselves voice our most intimate thoughts and frustrations, we realize how much there is to be grateful for. I don't know. I haven't figured it out yet, but I am grateful for it.

Anything that can bring such pure and simple joy must be good. I certainly have found that to be the case here. I am glad for it. I sure needed a pick me up.

1 comment:

  1. I needed this post tonight Bekah, so thanks. I miss you friend!
