Saturday, April 16, 2011


Alright everyone, if I told you pictures were coming, would you believe me?...Me neither. I keep putting off blogging so that I actually have some pictures to go with my blogs...I even bought a shirt to announce which school I am going to, but I have yet to take a moment to just put it on a snap a picture.

So, let's get real...real serious. Um, in backward order to make things interesting. I FINISHED my first half marathon today. As you will all recall, I attempted one in October, but well, that ended in heart break as I fell and killed my ankle in the first 1.5 miles. TODAY, however, my race was excellent. I had trained very well. It helped that this time I had a partner living here in sister-in-law was my training partner for this race, and boy did she ever make me stick to that training schedule. Also...I will never mock Katy Perry again. I don't really LOVE her...but today, her song Firework did get me through the last 2.5 miles of my race. I just set that song to repeat and felt the endorphins flow. If you have never listened to the song before...I will post a link, I can unfortunately only recommend this ONE song of hers...but I think you will understand how the beat lends itself to good running music. Anyway, it was an excellent experience, and I am certain that I will be running another one. Parker says I have to take a little break, so I will, but soon, I will train for another one. Racing is so fun. Everyone is so positive. I LOVED it.

One sad story, on the route, there was a turn off for the full is the halfers went right and the full marathoners went left. As we were running, we saw several marathoners that had missed the turn off. The saddest one was a lady that we saw about three miles after the turn off, she was running back the other direction, tears filling her eyes...can you imagine mentally preparing for 26.2 miles, and then suddenly realizing you would be running 32 plus because of a mistake. Yikes. My heart went out to those marathoner folks.

NEXT big thing, I chopped my hair off. I have a lovely little pixie do now. I am really digging it. It is fun to see all the new things that I can do with my hair now.

SCHOOL. Where am I going to law school? Well, some of you already know, but here is a big ol' announcement. I will be attending the University of Utah in the Fall for law school. This was a very difficult decision for me. More difficult than I realized it would be. I was really torn between BYU and the U. However, after a lot of thought, discussion with Parker, and prayer, we came to the determination that the U will be better for our family. I think part of me will always wonder how things would have been if I had attended BYU, but school is what you make of it, so I will just make sure I give law school my all :-)

Also, NORWAY. Well, it's not happening. This was sort of a blow. I found out two days or so before my last day of work that things had fallen through with our summer plans to go to Norway. I am bummed that our European adventure has been reduced to a state-side, utah-side experience, but I am going to make the most of it. I have considered finding a part time job for the summer, so far, Parker is still lobbying for me to just relax and chill for a while before summer. I am thinking that might be good, but I will just take that one day at a time.

IN conclusion, I WILL be leaving in about three days for Boston. I will be there for two weeks....I can't wait. Hopefully, my soreness will be gone before I embark because I can't imagine that 8 hours of sitting in a plane will do much for me to recover :-)

Sorry that this post is not real funny or fun...but I assure you that I will try to make my blogging return to a regular regiment complete with more posts full of my life's adventures and the crazy funny things that happen. Thanks for reading :-)


  1. Sounds like you guys have a lot going on! Congrats on the half-marathon, I can't even imagine running that long! I really want to see a picture of your new do! Glad everything is going well, love you!

  2. Hey Bekah, just wanted to tell you congrats on law school. My husband Patrick is finishing his first year and loves it, and I hope you will too. Also, congrats on the half marathon!

  3. The U! That must have been a really tough decision, I know you will do amazing at the U. Good luck!!! And, congrats on surviving the half marathon! Hope you guys are doing well.

  4. Yea!!!! Congrats!!!! We think you have chosen wisely!! ;)

  5. Just kidding! We love you and congrats!! Way to go on the half marathon....I am seriously impressed. Our walks were holding you back! haha

  6. Can't say much because two babies are crying but I'm still reading your blog and I'm so excited for you about the U! And about the half marathon! I'm thinking about training for one...anyways, that's a bummer about Norway, enjoy UT for me will you? Love ya girl.
