Tuesday, March 15, 2011

Tuesday Tunes

Hello all. I have decided that you should all get to know my music tastes...and perhaps have your life changed by it. Therefore, I am starting Tuesday Tunes. Every Tuesday, I will be posting my current favorite song for the week. I hope you enjoy this taste of my music preferences. Today, we are starting with 1901 by Phoenix. First, I heard this song on rock band...and I fell in love. Second, they are a French indie group...hello...France! Third, the lyrics make no sense, but the music is quite pleasing to the ear.

LINK Tonight, I will have Parker show me how I can get the song right here on my blog so you don't have to just click a link to transport you...but until then, this is the best I can do for you.

WITH TUESDAY TUNES, I would like to know from you who listen the following:

1) Have you heard this song before?
2) What color best describes this song and why?
3) If you had to pick one food item that this song reminds you of, what would it be and why?

Alright, I look forward to reading :-)


  1. Ok. I have to be the first to respond (and my response is very quirky)!!!
    1) Yes, I love this song.
    2) Light Blue. Reminds me of my 3rd year of college. Not sure why, but it does.
    3) Ham sandwiches. I ate a lot of ham sandwiches that year :)

    Can't wait until next Tuesday :)

  2. 1. Never heard it but instantly loved it!
    2. Lime green
    3. Lollipops- the big swirly ones

    This is fun. I'm needing some new music inspiration so keep up the Tuesday tunes.

  3. 1. No, I've never heard it.
    2. Mustard yellow. No idea why. Maybe it's taking me back to the 70's for some reason...
    3. I'm biased. Having read the Lollipops comment I have to agree. The mesmerizing swirling...

  4. 1. I have never heard the song, but I like it
    2. Fuschia. This song is kind of fun, and fuschia is kind of fun...
    3. French Fries. It makes me think of roller skates, which make me think of old diners, and french fries...

  5. 1. I think I have heard this song, I think my roommate has it, she has Listomania (i don't know if that's how it's spelled). I like it a lot.
    2.Yellow and oranges it's a summery fun song to me
    3.Popsicle or smoothies I can't decide!!!
