Monday, February 6, 2012

A good deed undone

So, I was walking into school this morning. I was late, and there was this little old lady with a haunched over back. Walking/shuffling with a cane very slowly, holding a briefcase in her free hand. She looked to cumbered down by these things. It occurred to me five times that I should help her, and five times I kept walking toward school. Finally, I turned around feeling remorseful for almost allowing this opportunity to serve pass me by. I walked toward her, I said..."Are you headed inside?"

Here's the thing, I anticipated her to have an older more feeble voice, like a sweet grandma. Unfortunately, that was not the voice that met my ears. Instead, she said quite confidently, "Yes, I am going in there..."

I don't know why but the whole tone surprised me so much, I couldn't even think why I was talking to her in the first I looked at her and said, "Nevermind."

And I walked quickly inside.

Psych all you angels in heaven smiling down on me. I ALMOST did a good deed...but instead, acted like a goof, allowed my expectations get in the way, and missed an opportunity to serve not once but twice in the same 15 second period.

You better believe I was kicking myself as I walked into law school this morning.

For this reason, I say Law School: 1 Bekah: 0.

1 comment:

  1. Well crap. Who turns their back on an old lady? Bekah does, apparently! :)
