Thursday, July 7, 2011

Pretty, Big, Fat Blog Post

Hello to all my readers.

I am totally failing at keeping you up to date on my life, but I promise I think of brilliant things to share all the time, I just always want to capture something in a photo to put with my blog post, and I am not so good about that. So, here's the deal. I PROMISE I will put up pictures of my cute apartment soon. I LOVE it, and I am so excited to call it home for the next three years. But I thought I should probably blog about the goings on in my life, just to give you all a heads up.

FIRST OFF, it is official, I received my very first invite for a drinking party tonight via the University of Utah Law School email listserv. Some fine elder students were inviting us young'ns for a good time. Flattering though it was, I think staying sober will be my path of choice for this next phase of my life. My favorite portion of the email was the following, "If you should find yourself annoyed by our weekly ramblings and would like to be removed from the list, you're outta luck! We encourage you to stop by the Technology Help Desk located in the Law Library and ask to them about email filtering." To this I say, I hope that he will not mind my signing him up for the weekly newsletters from MedTox Substance Abuse Program. Too bold...? I think not. It is law school after all. I will tell you how it goes.

Secondly, Parker and I are house sitting currently. On Monday, Parker called me and asked if these yummy little fruity bar things that I made should be refrigerated. I honestly didn't think they would need to be. Yesterday, after cleaning up a large poop filled mess by the dogs we are watching at this house and washing my hands thoroughly, I grabbed a couple of those bars from the dark kitchen and quickly shoved them in my mouth on my way to work. HOLY CRAP! I cannot tell you from personal experience how it would be if your body all the sudden decided it was going to reject an organ or something, but I imagine it is like what I have felt the last day and a half. It took me a while to locate what offender could have wreaked such havoc on my body, but today when I got home from work, I flipped on the lights in the kitchen, pulled back that lid on the container of the fruity bars, and there lie glorious little breading ground of mold . YUCK. I don't know how I couldn't have tasted that, but I have definitely had like a million flash backs to that part in Minority Report where he eats that nasty mold covered sandwich thing from the fridge while he is still blind. SO GROSS. Though I am not Tom Cruise, and I am not in fact blind, I sort of feel like I can relate a little bit now. After two days of stomach is feeling a bit more settled but there are many waves of grossness still working their way through my system.

Last thing for this post, yesterday at work, we had a bunch of the University of Utah's Rugby players out to teach the Boys and Girls of the Boys and Girls Club all about Rugby. I normally love when these volunteers come, and in truth, I loved it yesterday. But as they were leaving, one of the volunteers pulled one of my male co-workers aside and whispered something in his ear. Later on, I asked my co-worker what the volunteer had said. My male co-worker said, "Oh, he just asked where the "hot" girl-staff was." Then filtering from what was said to him into terms more suitable for me as his audience, he said one of our co-worker's names to clarify who the volunteer guy meant. NOW, let me explain why I am writing about this story. First off, I LOVE working with this particular male co-worker; he is awesome, and certainly was not meaning to nor had any idea this info would phase me in the slightest. Secondly, the "hot" girl-staff being asked about is absolutely adorable, and I love her to pieces as well; she is so nice and sweet and awesome, and in truth, very pretty. Thirdly, I am not on the market in any way, shape or form. I am married and love my husband. I have eyes only for him, and he for me, and I love that he loves me for BEING me.

BUT even with all those disclaimers, for some reason, hearing this comment, HURT.

I don't know if it is because my greatest insecurity about myself is my appearance. Or the fact that years of being overlooked always made me feel less-than in this category. Or because I have never felt that I have achieved "hot." Or because the word "HOT" took me way back to high school and singledom. Anyway, all the same, this comment kind of left me reeling. I hadn't really thought about "HOT" in a long time, and probably for good reason, but all the same, I felt somehow like the wind had been knocked out of my sails. For all you reading this, thinking to yourselves, "How very surprising that this affected Bekah at all." I AGREE 100%, I am sure that I am more surprised than anyone that I even cared that a few guys who volunteer at the club didn't put me in any category as personally flattering as HOT, because I mean, why would I care? And yet, despite all the disclaimers and logic and knowledge I have of who I am and how loved I am, this still hurt. CAN ANY OF YOU RELATE?

Realizing that this was clearly a chink in my armor, one that certainly needed to be dealt with, I decided to make this a point of pondering, and I have come to the conclusion that this comment hurt because I was already hurting in this area. I was already feeling negatively toward myself about my appearance. SO, I would like to deal with this. I already know that there are certain things I can do which help me stay positive about myself regarding my appearance such as: regular exercise, regular showering, controlled eating, limiting sweets, competing in races, a full night's sleep. During today's ponder session, I came up with a few more that are unique to me. Exercising in the morning instead of a different time of day, flossing my teeth, washing my face, going to sleep at 10pm, reading my scriptures. I would like to know what helps you though, SO PLEASE COMMENT AND MAKE SUGGESTIONS, because folks, I am going to be making an ACTION PLAN, and I would like to share that here on my blog, so that you can all know my progress, but to keep you interested, I would like to incorporate some of your ideas. So please tell me your thoughts on this. I hope this all made sense. Also, if you actually made it this far in my post, GOOD WORK. You are truly worthy of the title "blog follower."


  1. I'd like to fight for the title of your most faithful blog follower, even if I did just start following a few weeks ago. First of all, I have never been the "hot" girl either, and I relate very much so to your bloggish feelings in this post. I don't know if I'm even the "pretty" girl, but more like the "cute" girl or the "sporty" girl. Either way, is "hot" even a compliment? sometimes it just sounds low and degrading by punk guys who think they're all that and will only settle for that "hot chick" they think they deserve. Well punch them in the face. I think people like you and me are freakin' amazing and who wouldn't want to spend a lifetime hanging out with us? Crazy to think people ever passed you up-- thank goodness Parker came along!

    As for your Action Plan, I'm excited to see how it goes. In my 30th year I needed a LIFE action plan for my own emotional sanity. I set goals, like you said: races, relays, anything to give me something to work towards in short futuristic intervals. If I finished one race, I had another one the next month to keep working towards. I took before and after pics in shorts and a sports bra. 6 months later I took pics again in the same outfit and was surprised and delighted with the results. Then winter hit and I got WAY off track, but now I'm trying to be good again. :) Don't kill yourself over a good treat every now and then-- food shouldn't make us feel guilty. Just don't overdo it. Also, besides just physical active goals, do things that will brighten your spirit. Sing more. Write a song/poem/journal stuff. Develop other talents. Laugh lots. Then laugh some more. I think you'll be great. My rambling is done!

  2. Ah Bekah. Love your posts :) I've been thinking about a similar topic lately because next spring I turn 25 and for some reason I always thought me as a 25 year old would have overcome my unhealthy distressing about how I look or don't look. That gives me 8 months to fix a life-long problem... Thanks for your suggestions. They'll help as I make up my own plan too! One that I'm slowly working on is filtering through my wardrobe so I only have and buy clothes that I feel good in. If it is too tight, uncomfortable, or from highschool, be gone I say!

  3. beks. i am calling you that now. well, only this one time. i can TOTALLY relate. all my life i can relate. and i don't know how many action plans i have made. my suggestion: stick to one or two things at a time until it's become habit. otherwise the whole house of cards falls. at least in my experience. and this is totally also advice to myself, for currently i am neither feeling hot. anyways, i love you just the way you are, but support you fully in this action plan. keep at it, beautiful. :)

  4. I too can relate, I feel that often. I've been trying to get Nathan to help me, but let's be honest husbands just don't understand. I make sure that each day I wear something that I can feel "HOT" in, often it takes me 20 times to change my clothes, and most day's I still don't feel it after but it's trying to that helps. Also I keep it in my prayers all the time to have help seeing what Nathan sees in me so I can feel that way, or to find in myself a way to feel that way. Take it slow, and like lene b said do two or three at a time till you master it.

  5. Well, this is coming from a girl with stretch marks, furry armpits, razor sharp, glistening leg hairs and a couple of whiskers to boot. Want to know something? I'm beautiful!

    I do relate to your story, Bekah. It's definitely not a warm fuzzy moment when someone decides that you're not on their "hot" list - even if you're not interested and the guy is a bum anyway and you've got a wonderful, amazing husband that by all regards does a lot to make you feel beautiful and loved. I really do think that it's just in the genetic makeup of women or something to have a great desire to be pleasing and beautiful, no matter who the beholder might be (I say this to mean that it's not purely a sexual desire to look good all the time - it's quite an emotional and mental one).

    For me, getting over this took mental effort more than physical. Holding yourself to a physical standard of what the general American public considers "hot" is in no way reasonable (or in most women's cases) possible - who can be 5'10, size 2 with perfect skin and perky curves? And you know what? It's a really, really good thing they don't. I've come to realize that God sees us for so much more. So. Much. More. If we are keeping ourselves healthy and balanced in every way (mentally, physically, spiritually, emotionally, socially...), we can't help but glow and be our own best kind of beautiful, which is much more memorable and lasting than any number on some Sophomore's Fahrenheit scale. So that's what I've decided to go for - the bestest good looking Grady I can be. Bekah babe, in the words of Little John from Disney's animated Robin Hood: "You're BEAUTIFUL!"

  6. Well I don't have any other suggestions, but I think your ideas are excellent, I never really thought about how much better I would feel if I did those simple things, not that I have done them, but I'm taking your word for it, and I'm going to start trying to do that! Thanks for sharing!

  7. I'm so glad I can be a true blog follower :) I also feel like I don't have anything to add I know that beauty from the inside is the most important. Don't try to change too much at the same time because it can be discouraging. I think the key is finding the right balance between everything we need to accomplish. And the Bekah I know is pretty good at that!!

  8. I totally follow you..just a month late! I'm lame, sorry. I always make sure to check on you but can't ever seem to have spare time to check blogs. Anyways...I'm about to read more of what you came up with but exercising in the morning is a big one for me...successful meal planning is a big one for me too in the midst of these kiddos of mine. Limiting sweets is a good one. Scriptures/prayers is a good one. Putting on mascara. Haha.
