Tuesday, October 18, 2011

RIP Favorite Glasses, Favorite Sandals, Favorite Bra

It's been a rough week for the articles of clothing I most love and most neglect.

The glasses accidentally ran into a parked car on my run to the shuttle this morning while not-so safely tucked into my side bag.

The sandals have been on their way out for some time but met their utter demise when the center fastened part came in contact with a table leg and a forceful jerk by yours truly set it free.

The bra went in the washer as one and came out as two...can you guess where the division occurred?

I hope the replacements, when and if I get them, can do their predecessors proud. Unlikely.


  1. bahaha I love this Bekah. I mean...I'm sad for your loss...but it's funny.

  2. For a second there I thought the glasses were on your face during that devastating collision with the parked car. Thank goodness I was wrong...

  3. Ouch, losing your favorite things is really sad. So, how does those replacements doing their job?

    Sam Times
