Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Favorite Comment.

So, today I finally collected an assignment that I turned in to my Civil Procedure professor (a.k.a. favorite professor, but very intense professor). I already knew that I had passed the assignment because he sent out an email, so I hadn't really taken time to go pick it up as it was a pass/fail grading scheme.

Well today I finally went and got it. I think, nay, I know my favorite comment from the blood bath of red ink (k, it was blue but it felt red) that covered that one solitary page was the following...

With a large arrow pointing to my heading where I have listed the names of the parties I am representing and the names of the opposing party, he has circled the names of my clients and said, "Don't you think your clients would like you to at least be able to spell their names correctly?".

And I have to say, after much consideration, yes, Professor Davies, I do. In fact, I think that would be a great first step. Guess I have a lot to learn :-)

1 comment:

  1. I think your first response to Prof. Davies should have been, "Well, you're right. It looks like you have it all figured out." Ahaha. :) I love your random school adventures where Princess Bekah some times isn't perfect. I love you!
