Sunday, July 10, 2011

The Beginning of the Action Plan

Alright peeps, here's the deal: the action plan is beginning. For the first month, I have decided to focus on three things: exercise each day except Sunday (this doesn't have to be a certain amount, I just need to do something active each day), wake up everyday at 7:00am (this is important to me, I need to start training myself to get back into a normal schedule, and I need to ALWAYS pray on my knees ( I know this sounds silly. Our apartment is hard, hard old floors, and I have a hard time always ripping myself out of bed and putting my knees on the cold hard ground, but my prayers are more meaningful on my knees, so maybe I need a prayer mat/rug thing, but there it is). SO, these are the three I will focus on for the next month so until August 10th. KEEP ME ON TRACK FOLKS. HOLD ME TO IT.

So to recap:

1) Exercise everyday except Sunday
2) Wake up at 7:00am everyday
3) Always pray on my knees

Someone in my family suggested I get good couple bonding time with my hubby, I shall put that as number 4.

4) GOOOD bonding time with Hubby....not just in the same room, but actually engaged in something meaningful involving each other. I love this idea, sometimes it is too easy to be together but not actually spending quality time together. DONE and DONE.

So, I will report back on my progress in these four areas through out the week and on into the month. Thank you all for your wonderful ideas! I loved them.


  1. I like your four goals so far, good and simple things we all should be doing. At church yesterday someone made a comment about how we don't acknowledge ourselves enough and that hurts our self esteem, her suggestion was to make an acknowledgment journal, (similar concept to a gratitude journal) but the idea is to write down five good things you did that day. They don't have to be big things like, "I worked out" although those definitely count they can also be small things like I didn't yell at so and so, any good thing you do, and over time you begin to see yourself in a good light. I like this idea, maybe it will help? Love you!

  2. Yay for the action plan!! I'm excited for you, and it makes me excited to make an action plan of my own. I feel like I need to make myself another "goal binder" only with spiritual and intellectual things. Maybe that will come in time. :) I like your wake up early goal. I need one of those... and a "go to bed before 1am" goal too! But of course I need to take little steps, so... I'll decide later. :) I'm proud of you little lady! And I will totally hold you to it and make up all kinds of crazy consequences. You know I will!

  3. Yay for goals! I really find it so refreshing to stop, evaluate my life, and set some goals to make it that much better. You're awesome. You've officially inspired me to do some goal setting. Are you going to do the Halloween half this year? My bro-in-law wants me to run a marathon in March. I'm entertaining the idea...slash terrified out of my mind. haha It can be a very future goal right? Hope you're doing well. We need to run a race together some time! probably run at lightning speed and not. haha You're darling. Keep posting! :)

  4. Good ones! And now I'll read how it went!
